You're going to want to see this!

The next big thing in canola is here

Yield potential & agronomic trait performance

Advanced Herbicide-tolerant Trait Technology

canola field 

Advanced canola trait technology

Optimum® GLY is the newest and most advanced herbicide-tolerant trait technology in canola from Corteva Agriscience™. It is the highest yielding glyphosate-tolerant trait on the market, offering complete herbicide application flexibility.

Designed to optimize growth, it allows you to make the herbicide applications you need without impacting the yield potential of the hybrids you love. 

Top yield potential & agronomic trait performance

What does Optimum® GLY deliver?

Yield consistency

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Herbicide application flexibility

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Improved crop safety

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A culmination of years of research and development, Optimum® GLY canola is designed to deliver top yield potential and agronomic trait performance for canola farmers, providing them with a greater measure of control over their crops.

Chuck Magro, Chief Executive Officer, Corteva Agriscience

truck in canola field

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